Welcome to  Pam’s celebration page.

This site is for my wife Pam Greer and you may know her as a friend. Perhaps you met her on a business trip or during a conference or in the neighborhood.

In April of this year Pam was diagnosed with terminal cancer and given 12-18 months to live. I have been able to largely handle my business remotely with the help of our company, but especially my son Heath and my assistant for decades, Sally. This has allowed me to be her primary caregiver.

Being a caregiver affords us lots of opportunity to reminisce, plan and talk. We laugh, we sing, we cry. Shortly after beginning this journey I started writing love letters to Pam. I’ve titled them our long kiss goodbye.

This web site is an extension of that idea allowing others to join in the conversation.

The YouTube link below, was the finale to a series on the books of Colossians and Philemon done in our local church.

As the URL implies, this is a forum to share a thought, a prayer or letter with Pam. Perhaps you have a funny recollection, a shared memory or maybe you just want to say something to her. It can be a few short words or a full blown letter.

When you choose to leave a message you will be given some options; do you want it only sent to Pam? Perhaps you want her immediate or larger family to share your thoughts. Finally, it can be shared among those who are in her friend’s group or public. The choice is yours. You may also click the link to upload a photo or video.

Thanks for visiting and participating.


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A Fresh Scent ATK 25

Recently I moved packing boxes from two houses into our already crowded condo while my new home undergoes renovations. I am hoping to assimilate most

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